Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hobbies and Daughters

My daughter is my world. To me she is the sun that shines everyday even when it rains. To me, and I may be partial, She is the most beautiful 13 year old I have ever laid eyes on. She stole my heart 13 years ago when I first laid eyes on her and never gave it back :) She is smart, funny, and has a whole personality of her own. Sometimes I just don't believe that she actually came from me!

From the beginning she always was a happy girl. She is an only child and has always gotten all of our attention from the beginning. As an only child I guess I have always thought she would follow my footsteps in life, So I encouraged her to like things on her own and not because I liked them. And I found that I didn't have to push very hard for her to like things different than me :)

My daughter's hobbies include drawing, molding with clay, and a lot of iPod play time. She absolutely loves to draw and can draw better than anyone I have ever known. She's been drawing since she was little and it is one thing she continues to do while she has given so many other hobbies up. I can't draw, so watching her draw is so fascinating to me. 

While her hobbies differ from mine, I always have tried to get her to learn to knit. She asked me a few years back to teach her, so I did, but she just didn't stick with it. I would find a half used ball of yarn knotted with a few uneven rows of knitting on needles on the floor of her room. Of course as a Mom I would remove them from her room more for safety precaution than seeing the sad state of a great ball of yarn. 

In a way I wish she would have stuck with knitting. As a Mom I guess I just would love to have a hobby that I could do with my daughter. But then again maybe she wants me to learn how to play mind craft on her iPod so that I could play that with her. So for now I will not push her to do any hobby of mine that she doesn't want to do :) We may not have a lot in common but she still is the love of my life and her happiness means the most to me.

Maybe some day she will pick up knitting again :) Maybe she will pick it up after I'm gone just like how I started knitting again after my Grandmother taught me. Or maybe she will never pick up knitting needles again and always think of knitting as an "old person's" Hobby as she tells me :) Either way knitting will be in her life and she will always have warm socks and mittens to wear!

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