Saturday, August 23, 2014

Glitter Nail Polish

Things in life can be so frustrating, like taking off glitter nail polish. You try and try and try, but the end results are that you end up scraping it off with a nail file or letting it wear off by itself. As pretty as it is in the beginning it still ends up blotched all over your nails and fingertips, a glittery colorful mess. And the sad thing about it, is that any girl who has used glitter nail polish has used it more than once because of the beginning results. Its pretty, its sparkles, it shows a little about our personalities and we never think of the end when its beautiful in the beginning.

So I try to think of some situations in life like glitter nail polish, its beautiful, sparkles, and makes you smile :). Even though sometimes the end result is ugly. And sometimes you think that maybe, just maybe this time it will be different and it will all come off easily. So you try again. Nothing wrong with trying again. Cause every situation is different, er....every nail polish is different. But taking off glitter nail polish is always going to be hard. Sometimes its worth the hard work in the end just to have that beautiful beginning.

Then again sometimes its just fun experimenting with different colors and sparkles. Sometimes you just jump in and get your nails wet knowing the end could be messy, but who cares, it was fun and no one got hurt. But sometimes it does hurt. Your fingertips are sore from all the scrubbing and dyed purple or green and don't match anything you want to wear. Then it's another lesson learned and you can think about changing the brand or color. Oh and remember not to do that again.

And sometimes you feel like you're going to have to call in the army to get it off. Though in reality you can't really call the army to get your nail polish taken off, in a lot of situations you can call your friends and family for help in life. And that's the best part! Cause you do have help! My family and friends are like calling in the army, they have always been there for me. They pray for me, talk with me, and in some situations get there nails wet too. And they also tell me what colors and brands not to use if they have went down that road before I did. And I can tell them to stay away from some too. Cause in the end that's what helps us through life and makes us smile :) even in the hard, messy endings.

I really like glitter nail polish. I think I will continue using it once and a while to give a little sparkle now and then :)

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