Monday, September 8, 2014

Knitting Accessories

When I started knitting I used any knitting needles that were available. I used ones my friend had given me. The were metal size 4.5 mm straight needles and I knit hats and scarves with them. They served me well. Then I added to my collection. I started buying needles from the dollar store. They were all metal straight or double pointed needles. I never used anything else.

I went for years using these needles. They are great needles! They help me knit mittens, socks, hats and scarves! I still have most of my needles that I started with and still use them, why give up a good thing? 

One day I was walking through an uptown mall and found a yarn store that is one of a kind here in the city. They sell yarn you can't buy at Walmart and a whole selection of knitting accessories. So I took a gander through the store and decided to ask what were the best needles to use for socks. The woman working in the store showed me a set of 2.5 mm double pointed needles made from Bamboo! To think not all knitting needles were made out of metal! I decided to try them out. 

The bamboo needles were light and at first I thought I would break them because I discovered I was a tight knitter. But after I got through a few rounds I absolutely loved them! The are much easier on the hands to work with, especially my knuckles. Must be because I am not squeezing them too tight. I don't use bamboo on every pair of socks of course as all yarn and textures are different but I was very glad to add them to my collection.

Since then I have picked up different kinds of knitting needles, Some wood, others metal and some even carbon fiber. Sometimes I even pick a project just to use a certain needle! I know I'm wild. I also have bought different knitting accessories that are much better than others. Like metal yarn needles. I went through so many plastic ones grafting toe's on socks that I decided that it would be much cheaper to buy the metal ones in the long run. I also have researched stitch markers, yarn elastics and stitch holders, I have added a lot of good quality pieces to my knitting bag that have helped a lot in the long run. 

You don't have to spend a lot on good quality knitting accessories, if you buy the right ones, you will use them forever. But adding to your stash of accessories will make your knitting experiences much more fun and enjoyable. Nothing is more enjoyable than not having to frog a project because your lace yarn keeps slipping off your metal needles. I've been knitting for years and I know I still don't have all the accessories that I would love to have!

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